If you are a Consumer Electronics company, Service Provider or Content Provider - Lynx connectivity solutions can enable your devices to provide compelling smart home and media use cases for your customers. CONNECTED CE (CONSUMER ELECTRONICS) SOLUTIONS
Stream Media
- With our Twonky Media Connectivity Solution and Lynx Media Player for Android TV, turn your device into an entertainment hub that is also DLNA compliant. Enable consumers to easily enjoy media at home on existing devices (DLNA and non-DLNA devices) without the frustrations found with other media servers.
Aggregation of Media
- With our Twonky Media Connectivity Solution and Lynx Media Player for Android TV, aggregate media files from all media servers within the home network. Provide a single point of access for your customers.
Playback of Media
- With our Twonky Client SDK and Twonky Mobile SDK, provide playback of media in the home network on a mobile device or TV. Integration with Roku, Chromecast, Apple TV, Fire TV. Make the TV the central media renderer in the home that is also DLNA compliant
Stream Premium Content
- With our Twonky Media Connectivity Solution and Lynx Media Player for Android TV, provide a server and player for premium content within the home network. Provide a secure and compliant way for devices to stream and manage protected content. Enjoy live and recorded media at home in any room with an STB. Download media files to mobile devices and enjoy when away from home.
Stream OTT and Service Provider Premium Content
- Our Twonky Mobile SDK provides a secure and compliant way for mobile devices to stream protected content from OTT Content and Service Providers.
Device discovery and management
- Discover and manage smart home devices from multiple vendors (OCF compatible devices) with Lynx MiND
single app control and monitoring
- Manage (control and monitor) smart home devices from multiple vendors (OCF compatible devices) with a single app with Lynx MiND
consumer configurable smart home automation
- Enable consumer configurable (consumer can create, edit, delete, enable and disable rules) event and rule-based control of smart home devices with Lynx MiND
ai enabled smart home automation
- Enable service provider to receive consumer usage data, build rules, and push rules to in-home consumer device with Lynx MiND
secure remote access
- Enable secure remote access for monitoring control of smart home devices and Lynx MiND Engine functionality